...Description This serivce allows to check status of SIMlock and which carrier your iPhone is SIM locked to. Information comes directly from Apple database and is needed when you want to order unlock service. All Apple iPhone and iPad...
...Description This item enables support for Furious Gold Pack 13 (Chimera tool) Furious Pack 13 Chimera Mobile Phone Utility allows you to unlock, repair and service BlackBerry, Samsung and Nokia Lumia phones. Chimera tool features Furious...
...Requires 3v external power (2 x 1.5 batteries) This PS/2 extension can be used with earlier Samsung cable sets to enable support for later models...
...after the purchase Cable requires 3v external power Fully compatible with the following unlocking tools: Total multiserver software (Remote Unlocking, Language change, Firmware upgrade, Conversi...
...s externally powered and requires 3v battery (or 2 x 1.5 batteries ) Fully compatible with the following unlocking tools: Total multiserver software (Remote Unlocking, Language change, Firmware ...